Zoom 7.6.2 Release Notes


Release Date: 3rd September, 2020

Zoom 7.6.2-RELEASE.156 is the latest release in the Resilience series. This release includes Linux server, and Mac and Windows clients. The clients come packaged with a dedicated Hub component, that handles complex and bulky transfers to cloud storage targets like the Amazon S3. 

Zoom 7.6.x is a series of releases that are specifically designed for Zoom users who have to work remotely. Code-named Resilience, this series packs a variety of features and enhancements that allow users to efficiently work from home, and effectively collaborate and share assets with their teammates with minimal disruptions because of not being co-located.

New Features and Enhancements

  • Zoom now supports Azure AD integration. Check this article for more details.
  • Zoom SSO now supports external users, including those logging in via public link-sharing. Check this article for more details.
  • Zoom SSO support has now been enhanced to accommodate special users for auto-running unattended processes. Check this article for more details.
  • The proxy low-res file data can now be archived. For cloud deployments, this new feature could be leveraged to optimize the disk space consumption.
  • The assets copied to the S3 archive storage can now be cleared implicitly by triggering purge requests inside Zoom. The purge operation will also clear the hi-res / mid-res assets present in the local third-party mount points both on the personal Zoom client machines as well as on-premise shared P-SANs. Check this article for more details.
  • The client hub has been enhanced in several aspects, including to report and recover from errors more robustly. The performance of the data transfer to and from S3 has been improved significantly too. Check this article for more details.
  • Significant performance improvements have been made in the Asset Browser.
  • Link-switching in the plugin has been enhanced to implicitly restore high-res / mid-res / image-sequence assets from the external archive storage like S3 where required. Check this article for details.
  • Preview cache cleanup has been enhanced to strictly honor the modification time of assets. Even if multiple assets are found eligible for cleanup based on the rules defined, the assets are deleted based on the chronological modification times such that older assets are always removed before the newer assets. In course of this, if the cache’s acceptable size limits are reached, then the newer files do not get removed.
  • The Search & Execute report can customized to include any metadata property, or other details like the file size etc. The configuration for the reports is system-wide, and is covered in detail here.
  • Zoom purge has been enhanced to clear data from the archive storage locations like the Amazon S3 on cloud, as well as from the shared P-SAN or client-local TPM paths. See this article for details.

Major Pending Issues

  • Switching on the Curator server logs from the web-admin page results in an error.
  • Search and Execute archive action only acts on low-res / direct ingested assets; support for handling high-res external data will be added in future releases.
  • During purge operation if there is a network interruption, then the purge request is not propagated to the hubs responsible for cleanup the asset from TPMs or external storages like S3. Due to this, the asset would get purged from Zoom, but the data would still remain in the external storages – thereby requiring manual intervention to clear them up.
  • Configuration to map the hubs to specific actions (like S3 upload etc) is not working from the web-admin page. This will have to be edited manually from the hub-server.xml file in the Zoom server installation configuration folder.
  • When transcoding of high-res to proxy happens via the transcoder on the cloud, the flag “Copy Low Res to TPM”, is not honored. This flag should be removed from cloud transcoders as it is irrelevant.
  • Editing of hot-folder configuration is not working correctly. Workaround for this will be to remove and re-add, or edit manually from the config xml file.
  • Randomly, users may see an HTTP 401 Error even after a successful login, in a Zoom-Azure AD integrated setup, when their machines and browser are left idle for a long period of time (12 hours+).
  • Randomly, if the WebClient interface has been left idle for a long time, the default login prompt shows up instead of the SSO login redirect.
  • In the web-admin page, the archive operation jobs are listed according to their hubs as well as their statuses. But these entries are not paged correctly, all entries show up in all the pages.
  • Smart-copies and smart-links cannot be archived to the external archive storage like S3. This will be supported in a future release.
  • In Windows client installations using EZ updater tool, sometimes the hub installation is not complete leading to malfunction of the process. Workaround is to reinstall the client again.
  • The several cron jobs in the hub are all getting executed once at the start of the process, and then subsequently once at the configured frequency. But if the frequency specified is long (for example, once in several days), then a hub restart is violating this expectation. Hub restarts should not conflict with the expected frequency of cron jobs.
  • Mail notifications from the Mac OS hubs are not working.
  • Resolve-links action fails to execute correctly in some random cases in After Effects, if the columns are not sorted.
  • If more than one user from the Azure AD setup have the same email ID, then on pulling users from the web-admin page, the error message does not correctly point out the problem in hand.
  • AI data is not correctly displayed when viewing from the Webclient application using Safari browser.
  • Locate functionality in the Webclient application is not working correctly (the timeline view is not updated).
  • When attempting to ingest from user S3 bucket, if the path contained any leading or trailing spaces, the operation fails in Zoom.
  • If mail notifications are enabled, then the users receive one mail per asset even if the archive operation is requested in bulk. This is a nuisance.
  • During any copy operation to / from S3, if even one of the source files is missing (in TPM / PSAN or in S3 itself), the entire operation fails; the hub dashboard also fails to give the correct reason for failure, instead printing reason as NULL.
  • Transcoder dashboard sometimes incorrectly displays the file size as 0.
  • The server realm configuration changes to ExtLdapRealm if the LDAP settings are edited from the web-admin page, even if the current realm is PingRealm.
  • On clicking on archive from the Web Asset Browser, the application hangs.
  • The disk monitoring bot that is part of the Zoom server responsible for alerting on low-space situations, is computing the free space available slightly incorrectly, reporting a larger than actual free space available.
  • There are multiple minor UI issues in the mobile version of the Webclient application which will be sorted out in future point releases.
  • Webclient application is found to become sluggish in some cases, when it is used continually over a long period of time.
  • Archive exclusion rule defined in the Hierarchical Archive settings is not working in this release.

Third-party Issues

  • When LDAP users and groups are pulled from Azure AD setup, the users are not assigned to the mapped groups / roles inside Zoom. This is due to Azure AD LDAP agent (Azure AD DS or AAD-DS) is only returning a single group from the list of memberOf attributes.
  • When using Azure AD integration, sometimes users are redirected to the Microsoft login page instead of the email server for the registered user ID.
  • Pause and resume of S3 data transfers (via the Zoom archive / restore operations) were not working as expected if the jobs are paused soon after submission. This was submitted to Amazon dev team [Amazon Case ID – Case 7154409371], and based on their feedback, newer S3 libraries have now been used in Zoom.

Third-party Compatibility Matrix

Operating Systems (Servers)CentOS 7
Operating Systems (Clients)Windows 10 Pro, macOS Catalina 10.15.3, macOS Mojave 10.14.6
BrowsersFirefox 80.0 (64-bit), Safari 13.1.1(15609., Chrome 85.0.4183.83
Adobe Photoshop 21.1.2
Adobe Illustrator 24.1.2
Adobe InDesign 15.1.1
Adobe Premiere Pro 14.3.1
Adobe After Effects 17.1.2
Adobe InCopy 15.1.1
MAXON Cinema4D R21
Adobe Flash Player32.0.0.414
Adobe AIR27


  • This release is compatible with bits 7.6.2-RELEASE.130 and above.