Synchronizing Client Settings from the Server

Up until Zoom 7.2, administrators have the ability to push many of the common settings to the current users by creating a template that then Zoom will use to modify or replace the existing files in the user’s workstation.

To do this, simply create a text file and set the variables and values you would like to import, one per line. For example, if you want all clients to receive alerts related to their projects then you would need to add SHOW_STATUS_ALERT=true and all clients who synchronize with the server will have this variable updated.

The path in the server where you can place these is /zoom/conf/client-settings. Note that files that normally reside at the root level in /.zm are placed at the root level here as well (/client-settings) and for files inside subfolders you will need to replicate the folder hierarchy in the server in order to sync them successfully. For instance, to synchronize serverwc-settings.xml you would need to place an XML file in /zoom/conf/client-settings/settings/serverwc.

Only files that are .properties or .xml will merge the changes with the existing document. All other formats will simply replace the current file.
Users who want to be excluded from synchronization may do so in their Z-Settings by disabling the variable SYNCUP_ENABLED.
From Zoom 7.3 onwards, the client-settings folder is not used for property synchronization anymore. Instead, Server Zoom Properties is available to configure the default properties and their values at the Zoom Server for use by all Zoom Clients.

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