General Settings

Switch Language

Zoom supports multiple languages. By default, Zoom comes in US English. To request a different language, please contact Evolphin Sales.

  1. Click the General section in Zoom Settings.
  2. Under Language, select your language.

Add to Global Ignore Pattern on Zoom Client

Global ignore pattern sets the filenames that Zoom will ignore when importing files into Zoom. This feature is useful particularly for applications that have temporary or unwanted files located in the same directory as the file while the file is being checked-in.

  1. Click the General section in Zoom Settings.
  2. In the Global Ignore Pattern field, add to the end of the field the file pattern you would like to ignore. * represents wildcard, meaning that any text can be replaced.
    Info IconExample
  3. Click Save

Add to  Ignore Pattern File on Zoom Server

The ignore patterns can also be pushed from the Zoom server to all the client workstations by creating a “.zmignore” file in the Zoom server install dir/zoom/conf/client-settings folder as described here. For e.g.:

a .zmignore file can specify a pattern in each line:


For a mixed Windows and MacOS environment, it is best to create a .zmignore file on a MacOS system with UNIX line endings (\n) and push that to the Zoom clients on both OS platform.

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