Checking Open TCP Ports

The list of ports required by the Zoom desktop clients is specified here.  To test if the ports are open see steps below. Please replace any IP in the example with your Host Name/IP address:

Desktop Client

  1. In a Web Browser open URL: http:<zoom preview server host/ip>:8873/vab . If you don’t see any errors and the login dialog comes up then 8873 is open
  2. In a Web Browser open URL: http:<zoom server host/ip>:8443. If you don’t see any errors and the login dialog comes up then 8443 is open
  3. If TLS/SSL is turned on please repeat the above tests for the appropriate ports (default 8973 & 9443)
  4. macOS – In order to test the Zoom Server port 8880, please open a terminal on macOS and execute the command on the shell:[~/Desktop]$ nc -vvv <Zoom Server Host Name or IP Address> 8880
    Connection to 8880 port [tcp/*] succeeded!

    A succeeded message indicates port 8880 is open from the macOS desktop client.

  5. Windows:  In order to test the Zoom Server port 8880, please open a PowerShell on Windows and execute the Test-NetConnection command on the shell:win-telnet-test

    Terminate the connection by typing any string and hit Control-C, you may or may not see the following output


    If TcpTestSucceeded is displayed when you terminate the connection by typing any string, then the port is open. If no output is displayed or errors such as cannot open a connection are NOT displayed then the TCP port 8880 is probably open on the Zoom Server. If you are familiar with netstat command, you can also run it on the PowerShell to check if a connection was established.

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