Move Curator to Preview server

1. Take back ups of the server.xml files on both the zoom and preview server.

2. Check the curator services configuration before migration.

3. Check the zoom server module before migration

4. Check Asset browser before migration

5. Stop all services on both the services.

6. Check for any stale processes related to evolphin ( ps –ef|grep java) and kill them.

7. Remove the solr-db database director from the zoom server.The location will be found in the server.xml on the zoom server.

If the address of zoom server is not changed and solr-db is also on a network location, then there is no need to delete existing solr-db.

8. Disable and remove the solr-server service from the zoom server.

9. Reconfigure the ftsspec section in the server.xml to point to preview server instead of zoom server that is located on the zoom server.

The FTS Spec should be same in both Zoom server machine and the Curator server machine, If this rule is not followed then Zoom server’s FTS Spec will replace Curator server’s FTS Spec.

10. Make sure to have the same changes reflected on the preview server to have consistency in configuration.

11. Reconfigure the curator service on preview server as specified in documentations.

12. Start the zoom service on zoom server

13. Start the preview service on preview server

14 Start the curator service on preview server.

ZmSolrServerStartupThread-1] WARN org.apache.solr.core.SolrResourceLoader – Can’t find (or read) directory to add to classloader: lib (resolved as: /opt/zoom/zoom/conf/solr-core/lib). 

Ignore this warning, its internal to SOLR and does not affect anything.