Drag and Drop Stopped Working in the Asset Browser due to Adobe AIR Update Issue

If you are experiencing problems using drag and drop when working in the Asset Browser it is likely due to the bug in current version of Adobe AIR installed on your Mac or PC.

The current recommended version for Adobe AIR is version 25 for Zoom 6.x or below. For Zoom 7.x or higher the recommended version for Adobe AIR is version 27

To upgrade/downgrade from your current version to version 25, please visit https://helpx.adobe.com/air/kb/archived-air-sdk-version.html and follow the instructions detailed on that page.

Once you have upgraded to the correct version of Adobe AIR, to avoid accidentally clicking and automatically upgrading to current (bad) version of Adobe AIR, you or your administrator can do the following to stop this from happening:

Add an empty file updateDisabled in the following directory:

Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\Adobe\AIR\
Window Vista/Windows 7/10 or higher: C:\Users\<username>\Application Data\Adobe\AIR\
MacOS X: /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Adobe/AIR/


That should disable the auto update of Adobe AIR. Administrators might want to use a remote deployment tool to push the above file to all the managed workstations with Zoom client app installed.

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