7.2.2 Skip Metadata Changes Patch Notes


Release Date: 26th December 2018

Evolphin Zoom 7.2.2-RELEASE.90 is a patch release for Linux servers, and for Windows and Mac clients.

New Features

  • The option to skip metadata-based path during camera card ingest is now available for VideoFX setups. In these setups, the user can choose to save the ingested files as per the folder structure inside the camera card with the parent folder selected by the user in the check-in dialog.

Pending Issues

  • If multiple assets have the same name but are in different folders inside a preconfigured high-res path, and the parent folder is added as a link in Adobe Premiere Pro using the Zoom Adobe plugin on a Windows machine, then only one asset out of those with the same name is ingested into Zoom.
  • In Adobe Premiere Pro using Zoom Adobe plugin on a Windows machine, when the working copy is mapped to a high-res path and also has subfolders for direct and high-res ingest, then sync fails for a project created inside the configured direct ingest path with links in the configured high-res path when ‘Skip Metadata In Path’ is selected.
  • For a VideoFX setup with a valid post ingest path configuration, for a project with a valid high-res linked file, the linked file is not moved to the configured post ingest path after sync in Adobe Premiere Pro using Zoom Adobe plugin on a Windows machine.
  • Asset ingest fails in the Asset Browser when a folder containing subfolders with valid high-res and direct ingest files is imported with ‘Convert to working copy’ and ‘Skip Metadata In Path’ selected.
  • Asset ingest fails in the Asset Browser when a folder which is inside the working copy and containing subfolders with valid high-res and direct ingest files is imported with ‘Skip Metadata In Path’ selected.
