Starting and Stopping Zoom Services (Linux)

For information on how to start and stop services for a Windows Server, see Starting and Stopping Zoom Services (Windows) .

Zoom has various services for its MAM, Preview, Curator, and HADR Servers. You may use one or more of these on the servers for Zoom. If multiple services are running on a server then it is recommended to follow an order while starting, restarting, or stopping them.

The recommended order to start/restart services is:

  1. Zoom HADR Service – for Zoom NonStop Servers
  2. Zoom Services – for Zoom MAM Server and Zoom NonStop Servers
  3. Zoom Preview Service – for Preview Server, Transcoder, Ingest Server
  4. Zoom Curator Service – for Curator Server

Stop the services in the reverse order.

The following instructions describe how to properly stop Zoom Services on RedHat and CentOS Linux.

Start Zoom Server and Preview Server

Please follow the following procedures for starting Zoom Services:

  1. In Terminal, run the following command to start the Zoom Server Service:
    $ sudo service zoom start
  2. In Terminal, run the following command to start the Zoom Preview Server Service:
    $ sudo service preview-server start

Stop Zoom Server and Preview Server

Please follow the following procedures for stopping Zoom Services:

  1. In Terminal, run the following command to stop the Zoom Server Service:
    $ sudo service zoom stop
  2. In Terminal, run the following command to stop the Zoom Preview Server Service:
    $ sudo service preview-server stop

Zoom Client Proxy Service

In Zoom 5.2 or greater, you can optionally configure and run the zoom client proxy on Linux server machines if you want to make use of services like Hot Folder ingest. The commands to start and stop the client proxy service is similar to the ones listed above.

  1. In Terminal, run the following command to start the Zoom Client Proxy Service:
    $ sudo service zmclientproxy start
  2. In Terminal, run the following command to stop the Zoom Client Proxy Service:
    $ sudo service zmclientproxy stop

Other Services in Linux

These services are used for Zoom or related products:

ServerUsual Service Name
Zoom Serverzoom
Preview Serverpreview-server
Curator Servercurator-server
Zoom NonStophadr-server

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