Ingest and Workflow Reports in Web Management Console

There are number of analytics available in Zoom Web Management Console for the administrators. These are located under the left navigation panel:

Many of the reports require Adobe Flash to be enabled in the Web Browser to work. These are marked with an asterisk (*). 

Tracking Lock Activity

To quickly see who has what files locked and for how long:

This indicates what assets a user may be working with and approximately how long have they worked with these files for based on the duration of the asset level file lock held by the user in the Zoom repository.

The columns can be grouped using the drop down menu shown above. For example to group by user, just click on the “Group by this field’ option. Similarly to group by a file name, click on the File Name field drop down menu. 

The report can also be printed to a CSV for importing into Excel.

Ingest/Check-in/Commit Trends*

Report allows you to gain insights into the ingest or check-in activities:

report can be controlled via criteria specified as:

The type of chart can be controlled via:

Click on the bars of pies can show the list of check-ins with asset paths on the panel in the left:

Top Ingestors/Commiters*

Shows the list of the most frequent ingest or check-in users in Zoom:

can also show the least active ingestors or commiters in Zoom.

Most modified assets or dirs*

The brand or project files or folders that received most new or changes to assets can be reported via this:

The reports can be refined using criteria:

File extension can be specified to narrow to specific file type also.

Note: Most of the workflow reports do require the optional Zoom Workflow Business Process Modeling (BPM) module & system to be setup in order to use them.

Workflow – Dashboard*

The KPI (Key Performance Indicators) can report on both system & workflow metrics.

System KPIs include:

  • Actual Storage used in Zoom database
  • Projected storage without implementing Zoom – in others words with no Zoom de-duplication in use what would the storage look like

The reporting can be configured based on:

  • Period

  • Indicators

Workflow metrics could include:

  • Are most of my creative jobs getting done on-time this week vs last?
  • Are we iterating to many times?
  • How is resource allocation changing this period?
  • Avg Delay per job is that going down? Are we executing jobs better?

Workflow reports can be controlled based on Job & Task metadata which is a higher level metadata than Asset metadata. This is possible by implementing the Zoom Workflow BPM module.

Workflow – Jobs Summary*

  • Summarize job details by customer name, job type, staff name
  • Gain insight such as what % of jobs for a key customers are in-progress
  • Who is the bottleneck? Which task is the bottleneck?

Workflow – Jobs Details Report*

Drill down to individual jobs and track owners & progress:

Workflow – Time Sheet*

Similar to the Time Tracker, the report tracks time spent based on the start and finish time of a task using the Task Manager tab in the Asset Browser.