Using Dynamic Links and Essential Graphics in Adobe applications

The Adobe Creative Cloud applications give users two powerful ways to use content from one application in another: Dynamic Links and Essential Graphics. Zoom fully supports these methods, and below is information on how to best use them with Zoom and programs like After Effects and Premiere Pro.

Dynamic Links

After Effects projects and compositions, when imported directly into Premiere, are treated by the Evolphin Zoom plugin as normal linked files, so when you check-in/sync the Premiere project with Zoom, the After Effects project is checked in as well.

As of Zoom 7.2.2, the Zoom Premiere plugin does not check-in the linked files within the linked After Effects project, since the After Effects API is not exposed to a Premiere plugin. This means you will need to first check-in/sync the After Effects project using the Zoom plugin for After Effects before checking in/syncing the Premiere project.
The steps to record every linked asset with Zoom when using Dynamic Links are as follows:
  1. Create your After Effects project and comps
  2. Add the desired comps to Premiere as Dynamic Links.
  3. Check in/sync the After Effects project and links using the Zoom plugin for After Effects.
  4. Check/sync in the Premiere project and links using the Zoom plugin for Premiere.

You will then have all linked assets recorded in the Zoom database, and you will see the After Effects project listed in the Premiere project’s Linked Assets panel.

Essential Graphics

Essential Graphics are a powerful way to create graphics template files to use in Premiere. Lower thirds, title cards, and other graphics containing text and other settings remain editable in Premiere.

When creating Essential Graphics in After Effects, After Effects saves a .mogrt file that will be imported into Premiere. You can save this .mogrt file in your Working Copy for the project and check it into Zoom for safe keeping.

When you import the .mogrt file into Premiere, Premiere creates an .aegraphic file in a subfolder next to your Premiere project like in the example below:

Make sure your Premiere project scratch disk settings (File menu > Project Settings > Scratch Disks) is set to save Motion Graphic Template Media with the project (“Same as Project”). This ensures the .aegraphic file is saved in your Working Copy.

The .aegraphic file is self-contained; it has all required imagery and settings within it, so you no longer need the original After Effects project or .mogrt file to use the Essential Graphic in Premiere.

When you check-in/sync the Premiere project using the Zoom plugin, it will check-in the .aegraphic file as a Linked Asset. If someone works on the project in the future, when they “Check out with links”, the .aegraphic file will be checked out and their Working Copy will have everything they need to continue using the Essential Graphic.

Make sure your system admins have not set ingestion rules that prevent .aegraphic files, or the Premiere-generated folders above, from being checked into Zoom.