Getting started with EZ

The EZ system is a way to automatically manage the installation and upgrade of Zoom Server and Zoom Clients in a new or existing Zoom setup. Once it is configured, administrators (EZ Admin) only need to approve Zoom builds that are automatically downloaded from Evolphin servers and then installed on client machines.

Only Zoom Client builds’ download and installation are supported in the current EZ version. Zoom Server builds are not managed through EZ.

Set up involves identifying an EZ Updater machine and designating an EZ Admin user to manage it.

For the initial setup on the EZ Updater:

  1. Admin user downloads and installs EZ Updater. Creates the EZ Admin account. EZ Admin downloads EZ Client builds.
  2. EZ Admin configures and sets up EZ Updater using the EZ web portal and makes EZ Client builds ready for client machines. EZ Updater automatically starts downloading Zoom builds.
  3. EZ Admin informs users to download EZ Client builds to install on client machines.
  4. When Zoom builds are listed on the EZ portal, EZ Admin tests and approves Zoom builds for use by the clients.

For the initial setup on the client machine:

  1. Users download the EZ Client build from their EZ Updater machine (URL shared by the EZ Admin).
  2. Users install EZ Client to get the Evolphin Zoom Updater.
  3. EZ Client automatically connects with your EZ Updater to download the relevant Zoom Client build.
  4. EZ Client seeks permission to install Zoom Client build.
  5. EZ Client installs the Zoom build on the client machine after the user grants permission.
    If Zoom Client is not already installed, then Windows users need to manually install the Zoom Client on their Windows machines. EZ Client will subsequently keep the Zoom Client up-to-date.
  6. Windows users restart the machine after the Zoom update.

After the EZ Updater and EZ Clients are set up:

  1. EZ Updater automatically downloads new Zoom builds when available on the Evolphin’s Download Server. EZ Admin will be notified via email about available builds.
  2. EZ Admin routinely checks for new Zoom builds, then tests and approves these for use by EZ Clients.
  3. Evolphin Zoom Updater on EZ Client machines will automatically check for new approved Zoom builds on the EZ Updater as per the schedule set by the EZ Admin.
  4. EZ Client seeks permission to install Zoom Client build.
  5. EZ Client installs the newly downloaded Zoom build on the client machine after the user grants permission.
  6. Windows users restart their machines after the Zoom update.

The table summarizes these flow of steps:

EZ Updater ServerEZ Client
Initial set up
User downloads and installs EZ * 
User registers EZ Admin * 
EZ Admin configures EZ, downloads and makes EZ Client builds ready * 
EZ Admin shares URL with clients to download EZ Clients*User downloads and installs EZ Client from EZ Admin mail *
EZ Updater downloads Zoom builds.EZ Client automatically checks for and downloads new Zoom build ^
 EZ Admin tests and approves Zoom builds *EZ Client prompts and automatically installs Zoom after confirmation
After initial setup
EZ Updater automatically checks for and downloads Zoom builds from Evolphin Support 
EZ Admin regularly tests and approves Zoom builds for clients *EZ Client automatically downloads and installs Zoom after confirmation

* These steps in the flow need to be manually performed by the user. All other steps are automatic.

^ EZ Client can only upgrade Zoom, not install it the first time. The user should manually install Zoom Client for the first time, either before or after installing the EZ Client.


This is how a working EZ setup looks like:

In this system, the components are:

  1. Evolphin Server: This is where the builds are hosted by Evolphin. Whenever a new Zoom version is released, it is made available here for automatic download by EZ Downloaders.
  2. EZ Updater: This machine hosts the EZ Updater service. On one hand, it communicates with Evolphin Cloud to automatically download available builds, and on the other hand, it informs EZ Clients of a pending update of Zoom Client. The builds can also be downloaded manually from Evolphin Cloud or pushed to chosen EZ Clients. An EZ Admin should approve downloaded Zoom builds first before any EZ Clients could access these.
  3. EZ Client: This is your regular Zoom Client machine which also runs the Evolphin Zoom Updater as the EZ Client. This EZ Client communicates with the EZ Updater to automatically download and install available Zoom Client updates at pre-configured times, or at demand.

Before starting with the installation and set up of EZ, check that the following prerequisites are met:

Here are the requirements for EZ Updater and EZ Client machines:

EZ Updater

  • At least one EZ Updater machine is required for one geographical location.
  • It should run Linux or Windows OS.
  • It is suggested to have more than 100GB of storage as multiple Zoom builds will be downloaded and stored here.
    If the storage on EZ Updater is full, no new builds will be downloaded. The admin will have to remove older builds manually.  
  • A minimum of 8GB memory is required. It is recommended to have more memory if it is required to serve many clients simultaneously.
  • Any one browser from Microsoft EDGE, Google Chrome, or Mozilla Firefox is required.
  • Access to the Internet (preferably high-speed) is mandatory.
  • Port 5551 should be accessible (check if the port is open).
  • Your unique Client name and Zoom license should be ready and accessible (given by Evolphin Customer Support).

EZ Client

  • One machine is required for each EZ Client (that will be the Zoom Client).
  • It should run Windows or Mac OS.
  • It is suggested to have at least 10GB of storage as a client will have a maximum of three Zoom build versions available at any time.
    If the storage is full, no new builds will be downloaded. 
  • A minimum of 8GB memory is required.
  • Any one browser from Microsoft EDGE, Google Chrome, or Mozilla Firefox is required.
  • Access to EZ Updater via a local Network (or Internet) is required.
  • Port 5551 should be accessible (check if the port is open).
The latest versions of Microsoft EDGE, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox browser are supported. Microsoft Internet Explorer and Apple Safari are not supported.
After checking that the prerequisites are met, start Installing and setting up EZ.

After EZ is installed on your EZ Updater and EZ Client machines, manage Zoom builds on your EZ Updater to make the system ready for auto-installation of Zoom builds.

Check EZ Updater and EZ Client posts to know more about managing your EZ setup.