Configure Smart-Link

The Smart-Link feature is ready to use. However, some features are configurable. These are:

Default readable or writable Smart-Link 

This property defines the default behavior of ‘Make Smart-Link writable’ checkbox in the Smart-Link window. So that by default Smart-Link window shows the readable or writable option. By default, it is true.

To view or modify this property from the Asset Browser, go to Modify properties in the Asset Browser. To update this property from the property file, go to Modify properties using property files.

Including Smart-Link in delete and purge

These two property define if Zoom will include Smart-Link asset(s) in the operation if the user tries to delete / purge the source asset.

The default values are true which means if the user deletes / purges a source asset, all of its Smart-Link(s) will also be automatically deleted / purged. And, if the user deletes / purges a Smart-Link, the source asset is not affected. 

If the value is false, Zoom will not allow the user to delete / purge a source asset if it has a Smart-Link that is not in a deleted / purged state. The user may delete / purge the source asset if all its Smart-Links are in deleted / purged state. The user may also delete / purge the source and its Smart-Link(s) together. Also, the user may still delete / purge a Smart-Link (that is not further Smart-Linked), without affecting its source asset.

To view or modify these properties from the Asset Browser, go to Modify properties in the Asset Browser. To update these properties from the property file, go to Modify properties using property files.

Including Smart-Link source in resurrect

This property defines if Zoom will include source asset in the operation if the user tries to resurrect a Smart-Link.

The default value is true which means if the user resurrects any Smart-Link, its source asset will also be automatically resurrected. And, if the user resurrects a source asset, its Smart-Link(s) will be unaffected.

If the value is false, Zoom will not allow the user to resurrect a Smart-Link if its source asset is in deleted / purged state. The user may resurrect the source asset without affecting its Smart-Link(s).

To view or modify this property from the Asset Browser, go to Modify properties in the Asset Browser. To update this property from the property file, go to Modify properties using property files.

Failure Handling for multiple assets

Multiple assets may be selected together to make Smart-Links for each of them. This could be done by right-clicking on a selection of multiple assets or through the Cart.

When these multiple assets are selected to make Smart-Links for each one, the process may fail for one of them due to permissions or naming issues. In this case, Zoom decides to continue or abort the process for the remaining assets based on this property value. The default value is false, which means Zoom will continue making Smart-Links for the remaining assets when it fails for any asset in the group. If set to true, Zoom will abort the process if it fails to make the Smart-Link for any asset in the group.

To view or modify this property from the property file, go to Modify properties using property files. This property is not editable in the Asset Browser.

Smart-Link on locked asset

The creation of Smart-Link on locked assets is also configurable, from the Web Management Console (and also through server.xml). It is possible to allow a user to create either readable, writable or not allowed to create any Smart-Link, on a locked asset.

The values allowed for this property are RW, RO, and NA. These are for:

RW: read-write Smart-Link is allowed on a locked asset.

RO: read-only Smart-Link is allowed on a locked asset.

NA: Smart-Link is not allowed on a locked asset.

To set this property:

  • Login to the Web Management Console. Select Repository Settings from System > Server Control Panel page.
  • Modify Smart-Link operation on Locked Asset to the desired value. Click Save.

Alternatively, you could modify this property through the server.xml on the Zoom Server.

On the Zoom Servernavigate to the conf folder in Zoom Install directory (For Windows – [ZoomInstallDir]\conf and for Linux – [ZoomInstallDir]/conf).

Open server.xml.

Under <repospec>, set <lockedAssetSLOperation> tag with the desired value as detailed here.

Save and close the file.

Skipping metadata for Smart-Link

Each metadata is stored as a tag in metadataspec.xml file. And, by default, each metadata value of an asset is copied when its Smart-Link is created.

To skip the copying of one or more metadata values to Smart-Links, take these steps:

  • Open metadataspec.xml for editing from $ZOOM_INSTALL_DIR/conf/metadataspec.xml.
  • Locate the desired metadata field as <field /> under the tag <metadataFields> under the relevant <mdgroup> in <metadatagroups>.
  • Add the attribute inheritedScheme=”NONE” to this field.
    For example for the field ‘Native File Path” this is a sample entry:

     <field ns=”zoom” name=”NativeFilePath” label=”Native File Path” keyType=”string” valueType=”string” inheritedScheme=”NONE”/>

  • Save the file
  • Restart Zoom Service and Asset Browser.

As an example, after this change, Zoom will not copy the the ‘Native File Path’ metadata from the source asset while creating any new Smart-Links.

Modify properties through the Asset Browser

These properties are set in the Asset Browser for each Zoom Client. Follow these steps :

  • Login to the Asset Browser and open user settings from the top right corner profile button.
  • In the User Settings window, check for the property value(s) and check/uncheck as needed.
    Configure in Asset Browser

Modify properties using property files

The properties are set in the file for each Zoom Client.

  1. For the Zoom Client, in the user folder (../users/$user/.zm/), open (you will have to enable viewing of hidden files in your Explorer or Finder window to see .zm folder) 
  2. Set the required property to true or false as needed





Smart Link Report

Smart Links to an existing source project asset provides a great way of securely sharing the asset to another Zoom project compared to other means available to users. The reason for that is with Smart Links the administrators can pull up a report using the zm CLI to view all the existing links that might have been created:

zm getlist –fuid 10 –queryType smartCopy
zm getlist –fuid 10 –queryType smartLink

The zm getlist command can report on all the smart links of a given source asset ID (aka fuid as shown above):

This is unique to the Smart Links feature in Zoom 7.0+. Without a feature like this, the administrators can not tell if an end-user has accidentally leaked a secure asset by simply checking out and checking in a copy to an un-secure project in Zoom. With this reporting feature, the administrators finally have a way of knowing if an asset has been shared via smart link.