Perl SDK Module: ZoomUtils


ZoomUtils – Utilities assisting zoom commands


Ensure the Perl SDK is setup


use ZoomUtils;
my $relPath = ZoomUtils::subpath($prefix,$fullPath); 



Usage: tmpDir()

Creates a temporary directory in path specified by tmpDir field under ENVIRONMENT section in config.ini.

If tmpDir field is not speciied, temporary directory will be created in OS specific temp folder such as /tmp

If the flag cleanupTmpDir under ENVIRONMENT is set to 1, the temp dir will be removed on program exit.

By default, CLEANUP is set 1(true). To turn off, set cleanupTmpDir to 0 in config.ini


Usage: subpath($fullPath,$base)

Given an absolute path and base path as input, returns a relative path from the base path

my $relPath = ZoomUtils::subpath('/home/evolphin/test/images/evol.jpg','/home/evolphin/test');

$relPath will be set to ‘images/evol.jpg’


Usage: sys($zmCommand)

Executes the input zoom command and returns 1 on success and 0 on failure

my $imCmd = $zm_creds." im -m \"test import\" -d \"/defproj/\" \"/home/evolphin/test/images/\"";
my $status =  ZoomUtils::sys($imCmd);


Usage: trim($stringToTrim)

Given an input string, strips the leading & trailing white spaces and returns the resultant string


Usage: indexOf($searchElement,$arrayRef)

Looks up input array for search element and returns the index of element if found. Returns undef otherwise.

my @channels = ("Entertainment","News","Kids","Knowledge");
my $index = ZoomUtils::indexOf("News",\@channels);

$index will be set to 1


Usage: isDateField($datePattern)

Matches the input date pattern against a list of predefined date patterns under DATE section in config.ini. If the input is a valid date pattern returns 1, if not 0.

my $isValid = ZoomUtils::isDateField("DD/MM/YY");


Usage: epoch2date($msSinceEpoch)

Converts input milliseconds since epoch to DateTime object in the format specified by ‘Time Zone’ field under DATE section in config.ini

my $dateTime = ZoomUtils::epoch2date("1467824032352");

$dateTime will be set to Wed, 06 Jul 2016 16:53:52.352 GMT


Usage: formatDate($dateTime)

Converts input DateTime object to format specified by ‘Date Format’ field under DATE section in config.ini.

The formatted date will be in local timezone of the system


Usage: str2date($dateStr)

Converts input date string to DateTime object. The output will be in format specified by ‘Date Format’ and ‘Time Zone’ fields under DATE section in config.ini

my $dateTimeObj = ZoomUtils::str2date('23:15:24');


Usage: timecode2millis($time)

Converts the input time code to milli seconds. The default time code is HH:MM:SS.MMM

my $milliSec = ZoomUtils::timecode2millis('01:12:22.53');


Usage: hhmm2date($time)

Given an input time in HH:MM format, returns Today’s DateTime object with HH:MM set to input

my $dateTimeObj = ZoomUtils::hhmm2date('12:30 PM');


Usage: waitForStartTime($delayByDays,$startTime)

Blocks the perl script till the scheduled start time.

my($start,$end) = ZoomUtils::waitForStartTime(5,$startTime);


Usage: runDurationDone($startDateTime,$endDateTime)

Checks if we have run past the input duration. Returns true when the input duration is over. Used when the script should stop based on a timeout configured

my ($startDateTime,$endDateTime) = ZoomUtils::waitForStartTime();
my $timeOver = runDurationDone($startDateTime,$endDateTime);
    ($startDateTime,$endDateTime) = ZoomUtils::waitForStartTime(5, $startDateTime);

The ‘Start Time’ and ‘Run Duration’ should be configured under DATE section in config.ini

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